The lectures given by Eva Pierrakos from 1957 until her death in 1979 are the heart of the Pathwork®. They are an astonishing roadmap to self-responsibility that points the way to genuine love of self, others and the Divine. They can all be found at
Eva was able to access deep levels of her own psyche and to channel material that, if followed, has the capacity to radically change and improve one’s life. Not only can working with this material give one profound insight into oneself, others, and the nature of life itself, but it can also help in finding true peace and happiness.
Pathwork® is a powerful spiritual exploration, and one of its core teachings is that we cannot do the work alone. Interaction with others committed to a spiritual path provides a supportive container where you can be deeply witnessed and held in loving compassion. Spiritual companions help shine the light on our blind spots, and give us insight into how we affect and are affected by others. The intimacy and depth of connection that develops between group members is remarkable.
Although many spiritual paths feature practices to transcend our human limitations, the Pathwork is unique in its strong emphasis on the task of purification and transformation of our shadow side, or Lower Self. This in turn builds a dependable foundation for authentic experiences of transcendence and unity.
Pathwork is taught experientially as well as conceptually, with a strong focus on becoming grounded in the body, which enables us to develop an awareness of the connection between energy and consciousness. It is not dogmatic; no belief is either required or excluded. However, one is asked to keep an open mind and be willing to examine existing beliefs.